Our Why


We have been friends for almost a decade. A lot of life has happened in that time, and we both have found that in seasons of pain we lacked more than just a person or two in our life who extended grace and kindness to us. People who truly desired to meet us where we were at, and who wanted to simply sit with us in our pain. We both are extremely thankful for the friendship and bond we have in each other, because quite often others left us feeling forgotten and hurt with their actions and words.

This life is hard. Being a mama is hard. Losing a baby is hard. Not feeling supported and loved is hard. Navigating how to grieve and love a child that isn’t here anymore is hard. Having a community that isn’t good at talking about your baby and reminding you they are important is hard. It is all so hard. And it can be made much more difficult when in the midst of so many overwhelming emotions you feel forgotten and alone.
In moments when it hurts to breathe, knowing you are not alone is worth everything. And that is why we founded Grace in Grief. We started this because the need for support, resources, and grace in grief is so deep. And our culture around miscarriage and infant loss isn’t good enough. It leaves women feeling isolated, dramatic, and alone. We have such a big hope that Grace in Grief can play a role in slowly changing our culture around both of these.

For a long time now our hearts have been aching to do this. To birth a ministry that is for YOU, sweet mama. A ministry that meets you where you are, and allows you the space to grieve on your own terms. We desire to sit with you in the pain, in the comfortableness. To allow you a place of grace, where you truly grieve this life that is no longer. And as you heal, we hope to walk with you in that also. We are here, doing this, because we so deeply believe that God can turn ashes into beauty.


Jehovah Shammah